My mom designed this cute logo for my blog, so here it is.
It's the night before I head out of town, and I managed to fit all my stuff into two suitcases. As of tomorrow morning I will be traveling for 20+ hours to get to my flat, but I'm sure it will be completely worth it. It's a little sad to think about being away for so long, but it's really exciting to think of all the things I'll get to see and do. I'm living in the Crofton House in Kensington, which is really cute online. It's right across the street from Hyde Park, which I didn't get to explore when I was there last time. I'm almost over the terrible headcold I've had, so maybe they won't throw me out the window of the plane for coughing all over the place. Once I get there I have orientation stuff for the first part of the week and then classes start on Thursday. I have one class, Intro to Irish and British Lit, from 1:15 to 5:15 on Mondays and Tuesdays and my other class, British Journalism, Culture and Society, from 9:00 to 1:00 on Thursdays and Fridays. That means nice long weekends and sleeping in on Mondays. Sounds pretty nice to me, so we shall see.
miss you already
HI! So I created a blog just so I could comment on your stuff! :) Have so much fun while you're over there! You must go to Italia and drink lots of coffee for me!!! San Eustachio behind the Pantheon! OH and Oxford: The Eagle and Child Pub, A MUST. Have a great time...Traveling Mercies! :)
OH....click on my profile, and look at my blog....the name is totally sweet! :) I created it thinking of you and scott!!!!! I can't figure out how to put my picture up there..do I really have to download that thing in order to do it?????
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